Saturday, October 8, 2011

LA baby!!!

Our last 2 days of our trio of a lifetime were spent in Los Angeles, home of our trusty tour guide, Mr Wu! We arrived at 10:30am local time on Friday morning, which was another time confusion moment for all, it was a 5 hr flight but we landed 2 hrs later! Which is a good thing don't get me wrong cause we get 3 hrs longer in LA but not so great on the bodies!!!! Anyhow, mr wu picked us up in a big van and we headed straight for our hotel, which was conveniently located a stones throw from the airport, dumped our bags in our room, and we were off! We were hollywood bound ( that's where mr wu lives), the sight of that big white Hollywood sign is so exciting, why I dont know ? We picked up Gerrod and Pam and set off for some sight seeing. We did the Hollywood sign, the sunset boulevard, that was amazing! The into Beverly hills and the made our way to Santa Monica. The Santa Monica pier is pretty cool, as is the beach, not like our beaches but still a very nice place to be. The kids did the roller coaster there, lexi and I rode the worlds longest ferris wheel ( or as lexi calls it, the fairy wheel). mr wu took the kids to play a game while lexi and I were still not he ferris wheel (does this thing ever end???) and kalahni won a toy, yay just what we needed! Lol. Ice creams all round then a walk along the beach side. The kids had some fun on the equipment they provide for the locals to exercise on, I watched and ate ice cream! ;)
Back to Hollywood for dinner, we decided a BBQ on the roof of mr wu's appartment block was th go, so we stopped at Ralph's (woolies) for some groceries and grog and headed for the apartment. The view from the rooftop looking over the city was just beautiful, the sun was setting in the hills and the LAPD chopper flying overhead really helped set the mood. Lexi was asleep before dinner was ready, poor thing, the kids are really feeling it now and kai is getting sick. So straight after dinner we drove back to our hotel , about 30mins from Hollywood. Glenn thought his driving days were over, but noooooo we were at it again him driving and me navigating, we make a good time me thinks, though the kids may not agree! Lol
By the time we reached our hotel all 4 kids were unconscious!!!!! Thank goodness we decided to meet at 10 the following morning and not earlier, I don't know that these munchkins would cope.
Saturday morning we were rudely awoken at 6:30am by the alarm on the cell phone that Janet and peter had been using, I must remember to thank Pete when I see him for keeping that alarm set!!!!! It took a bit to get the kids started, kai was awake anyway as his throat was giving him curry :( downstairs for brekky and then packed and in The car headed for Hollywood by 9:20am! we met Mr Wu, Gerrod and Pam at the apartment and headed out for the day. We took the scenic route up into the hills, there were some biiiiig houses up there, and then down through Beverly hills, very pretty I must say. The homes of the famous are in gated communities so you can't see those, but what we did see was very impressive. The it was time for the kids surprise! Mr Wu had arranged with a friend who owns a gym for the kids to go and participate in a silks class and for kai to learn some tips from the owner, a 3 time world kickboxing champion and UFC fighter etc etc, (please don't quote me those stats could be wrong) punching
and kicking on the bags. The kids had a ball on the silks, kalahni was in her element! And the Kai had a quick lesson on punching and kicking once they had finished, was funny to watch Ronan pitting him through his paces, but he loved evey minute of it! From there we headed to the grove, an outdoor shopping centre, for some lunch and a look around. We left there with full tummies and 4 backpacks, 2 Hurley, 1 DC and 1 fox for $60!!!!! Guess what the kids are taking on the plane???? We head back to Gerrod and pams hotel and pick up their luggage, Mr Wu says " any last requests?" Glenn responds with " yep the tri shop!" that's in Santa Monica but off we go and thank goodness we did! It had everything he wanted, his tri suit, helmet my aero bars, so we both left happy happy happy! Straight back to our hotel to get our bags and get to the airport, which is where I am now standing in the gangway about to board my flight home! It has been a fantastic 3 weeks, I will do a wrap up once I'm home and coherent! ;)
Till next time
Clair xx

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